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Writer's pictureCait Marie

Adventures in Writing: Part 8

It’s done!! The Lost Legends is completely done on my end. It’s currently being formatted, and I will be able to get the paperback proof in the next week or so. It’s happening!!

ARCs have been sent out as well, and the feedback has been phenomenal! It’s blowing me away. Here are just a few pieces:

You can read more reviews on Goodreads here!

So what happens now? Well, the signed copy form closed a few days ago, and my pre-order swag (a Nihryst card of Loxley, like on the cover) should be here in the next few days. Once the book is finished being formatted and I get a proof to make sure it all looks okay, I will be ordering a huge shipment of paperbacks to send to those who ordered, to bring to the launch party, and to send to book bloggers to share on Instagram (official announcement coming soon, but if interested, please email Limited number of copies.).

I’m putting together a big giveaway, some smaller ones, and planning the launch party. And I’m basically just going to keep pushing the book. I can’t believe it comes out in 11 days!!

I am also working on a YA contemporary romance coming out this summer. The cover reveal is scheduled for March 11, and I cannot wait for everyone to know more about this book. I have loved writing it; it’s a nice change from fantasy. Think A Walk to Remember but with more ice cream and shenanigans. It’s fun and emotional, and I’m excited for you all to meet Lila and Gavin!

Bloggers and readers, if you’re interested in helping with the cover reveal March 11, the blog tour in June, ARCs, or all of the above, please fill out this form:

Want the latest updates, sneak peeks, and exclusive giveaway opportunities? Check out my Facebook group: Cait’s Inner Circle

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